MEETING: September 20, 2000


  1. Welcome/Roll Call
  2. Approval of August 3, 2000 Minutes
  3. Approval of Treasurer's Report
  4. Approval of Foreign Exchange Students
  5. Approval of Tournaments
  6. Tickets - Wendy's
  7. Correspondence
    1. Governor Mifflin School District
    2. District 6 Football Game Manager Handbook
  8. Discussion Bedford County Volleyball Officials
  9. Sports Reports
    1. Tennis
    2. Golf
    3. Volleyball
    4. Football
    5. Cross Country
    6. Soccer
  10. Web Site Information
  11. New Business
  12. Adjournment


  1. Meeting called to order - 2:10 p.m.
  2. Approval of August 3, 2000 minutes - Beachly Motion, Graham-Second
  3. Approval of Treasurer's report - Health-Motion, Shaffer-Second
  4. Approval of Foreign Exchange Students - Palmer-Motion, Beachly-Second
  5. Transfers - Principal Sign Off, No Approval Necessary.  Can play more than one year if not seniors
  6. Approval of Tournaments
    1. Bedford Junior High Wrestling Tournament
    2. Bedford Junior High Girls Basketball Tournament
    3. Thomas Chevrolet Wrestling Tournament
    4. Bedford Track Invitational
    5. Lady Spartan Volleyball Tournament
    6. Windber Volleyball Boosters Tournament
  7. Discussion with Rick Miller of Bedford County Volleyball Official's Chapter concerning the untimely notice sent to school districts stating game fees for volleyball games.  Call for executive session at 3:10.  Koba-Motion, Graham-Second.  Executive session until 3:30.  Motion to send letter to the chapter stating that due to lack of professionalism and pressure on schools to accept chapter fees, the chapterwill not be allowed to take part in district and state playoffs.  Leyman-Motion, Scott-Second
  8. Letter from Governor Mifflin School District.  Send list of new Athletic Directors in the district to PSADA rep David McCoy for mentor program.
  9. Heard sports report on tennis, golf, and soccer.  Approval for payment of $70.00 fee for access to Website.  Leyman-Motion, Palmer-Second.
  10. A meeting will be held at Chestnut Ridge High School on Sunday, October 29, at 12:00 noon, for all schools.
  11. Meeting adjournment at 4:15 p.m.