MEETING: February 23, 2002


  1. Welcome/Roll Call
  2. Approval of January 22, 2003 Minutes
  3. Approval of Treasurer's Report
  4. Paying of Bills
  5. Correspondence from
    1. Shade Township - Berlin Boys Basketball
    2. Forbes Road
  6. Correspondence to
  7. Transfer Requests
    1. Rockwood
  8. Sports Chairperson
    1. Enforce the rules
  9. Sport Reports
    1. Wrestling
    2. Basketball
    3. Track
  10. Other Items
  11. Adjournment


  1. Meeting called to order at 4:35 p.m.
  2. Approval of January 22, 2003 minutes.
  3. Approval of Treasurer's Report
  4. Correspondence from Shade concerning boys basketball bus accident. Will address at the Summer Workshop.
  5. Transfer request from Rockwood for two Florida students.  The committee needs more information.  Will have more to address at the next meeting.
  6. Sports reports were heard on the following:
    1. Team Wresting Results
    2. Basketball Playoff Pairings
    3. Track Update
  7. Meeting adjourned at 5:02