MEETING: February 25, 2006
- Welcome/Roll Call
- Approval of January 18, 2006 Minutes
- Approval of Treasurer's Report
- Correspondence to:
- Spring meeting letter
- Johnstown Christian School (phone call - reporting)
- Basketball - Playoff Information
- PIAA - Softball and baseball - contract
- Charles Williams - NBC Board Meeting
- Correspondence from:
- Tussey Mountain - Matthew Baker
- Approval of Athletic Transfer
- Rockwood
- Other Items
- New ball adoptions
- No charge in student disqualification
- Increase girls soccer to three classes
- Ron Beachley won officials election
- Golf team championships are a go for 2006-07
- Transfer Rule - for athletic intent is modified
- Report
- Wrestling
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Softball
- Track
- Tennis
- The District 5 Committee convened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.
- Approval of the January 18, 2006 Minutes
- Approval of the Treasurer's Report
- Correspondence
- Discussion of schools not reporting event results
- Basketball playoff information passed out. Discussion of district
pairings and sites.
- Tussey Mountain - Waiver of attendance papers approved on Matt Baker.
- PIAA Information
- Baden ball adopted for basketball
- No change in student disqualification rule
- No committee interest in increasing girls soccer to three classes
- Ron Beachley won Male Officials election
- Team golf championships are a go for 2006-07
- The transfer rule for athletic intent is modified
- The summer workshop will include a discussion of events, ticket prices,
and official pay.
- Foreign exchange student approved. - Australia - Northern Bedford
- Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Meetings & Minutes |