MEETING: February 25, 2006


  1. Welcome/Roll Call
  2. Approval of January 18, 2006 Minutes
  3. Approval of Treasurer's Report
  4. Correspondence to:
    1. Spring meeting letter
    2. Johnstown Christian School (phone call - reporting)
    3. Basketball - Playoff Information
    4. PIAA - Softball and baseball - contract
    5. Charles Williams - NBC Board Meeting
  5. Correspondence from:
    1. Tussey Mountain - Matthew Baker
  6. Approval of Athletic Transfer
    1. Rockwood
  7. Other Items
    1. New ball adoptions
    2. No charge in student disqualification
    3. Increase girls soccer to three classes
    4. Ron Beachley won officials election
    5. Golf team championships are a go for 2006-07
    6. Transfer Rule - for athletic intent is modified
  8. Report
    1. Wrestling
    2. Basketball
    3. Baseball
    4. Softball
    5. Track
    6. Tennis


  1. The District 5 Committee convened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.
  2. Approval of the January 18, 2006 Minutes
  3. Approval of the Treasurer's Report
  4. Correspondence
    1. Discussion of schools not reporting event results
    2. Basketball playoff information passed out.  Discussion of district pairings and sites.
    3. Tussey Mountain - Waiver of attendance papers approved on Matt Baker.
  5. PIAA Information
    1. Baden ball adopted for basketball
    2. No change in student disqualification rule
    3. No committee interest in increasing girls soccer to three classes
    4. Ron Beachley won Male Officials election
    5. Team golf championships are a go for 2006-07
    6. The transfer rule for athletic intent is modified
  6. The summer workshop will include a discussion of events, ticket prices, and official pay.
  7. Foreign exchange student approved. - Australia - Northern Bedford
  8. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.